BIG NEWS: BISP Announces 5,000 Cash in Punjab

The Punjab provincial government, in collaboration with the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), has announced a notable initiative reaffirming its dedication to inclusivity and backing for religious pluralism. Beginning April 1, 2024, Punjab will mark a public holiday commemorating the “Day after Easter,” reserved explicitly for the Christian community. This decision seeks to facilitate the observance of a significant religious event while showcasing solidarity with the Christian populace.

Significance of the Holiday by BISP

The “Day after Easter” carries profound cultural and religious significance for Christians globally. It symbolizes a period of introspection, jubilation, and communal gatherings following the solemn observance of Easter Sunday. By designating this day as a public holiday, the government acknowledges the importance of religious observances and guarantees individuals the opportunity to fully engage in their traditions.

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Furthermore, the official announcement from the Punjab government states, “It is hereby notified for general information that a public holiday shall be observed on 1st April 2024 (Monday) in honor of the ‘Day after Easter,’ exclusively for the Christian community across the province.” This explicit proclamation ensures that members of the Christian community can observe the day without any impediments, enabling them to partake in spiritual and familial activities freely.


Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif’s declaration of financial assistance significantly enhances the government’s backing for the Christian community during the Easter period. Under this initiative, every Christian family in Punjab will receive Rs. 5,000, showcasing a tangible commitment to addressing the requirements of vulnerable groups during religious festivities. District administrations have been entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring the impartial and transparent allocation of these grants, underscoring the government’s steadfast commitment to fair resource distribution.

April 1st has been declared a public holiday in Punjab to honor the “Day after Easter,” enabling the Christian community to commemorate this significant religious event.

Financial aid in the form of Rs. 5,000 is being provided to each Christian family in Punjab by the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) to support them during Easter celebrations.

In conclusion

the designation of April 1st as a public holiday in Punjab for the “Day after Easter” underscores the government’s unwavering dedication to religious inclusivity and backing for diverse communities. By implementing financial aid measures and acknowledging significant events, the government showcases its commitment to nurturing a society where everyone can openly observe and rejoice in their traditions. This announcement not only establishes a constructive precedent for inclusive governance but also reinforces the significance of honoring and accommodating religious diversity within society.