BREAKING NEWS: Avail Ehsaas 5,000 Rupees Eidi Program for Married Couples

To aid married couples during festive seasons, the Government of Pakistan has launched the Ehsaas 5000 Eidi Program, providing financial assistance to qualified beneficiaries. This initiative seeks to offer relief to families nationwide, ensuring both men and women can benefit from aid during Eid celebrations. Familiarizing oneself with the details of this program can facilitate access to the necessary support for married couples.

Provincial Initiatives for Ehsaas 5000 Eidi Program

Province Eid Assistance (PKR) Additional Information
Sindh 5000 Beneficiaries include women with PMT score < 32
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 10,000 Additional 2000 PKR transferred to beneficiaries
Punjab 2000 Additional 2000 PKR transferred to beneficiaries
Balochistan 5000
Gilgit-Baltistan 5000
Azad Jammu Kashmir 5000
Islamabad 5000

Ehsaas Program 10,500 And 25,000 Registration Starts

Note: PMT refers to Poverty Measurement Tool.

Who is eligible for the Ehsaas 5000 Eidi Program?
All married couples with PMT scores less than 32, regardless of gender, are eligible to participate in the Ehsaas 5000 Eidi Program.

How can I check if I will receive Ehsaas Eidi payments?
You can verify your eligibility and check your account status through the 8171 Web portal.


The Ehsaas 5000 Eidi Program for Married Couples serves as a vital lifeline for families throughout Pakistan, offering crucial financial aid during the Eid festivities. By grasping the eligibility criteria and provincial initiatives, married couples can avail themselves of the necessary support for a joyous celebration. Visit the 8171 Web portal to verify eligibility and ensure receipt of payments.

In summary, the Ehsaas 5000 Eidi Program delivers tangible relief to married couples, reflecting the government’s dedication to fostering inclusivity and providing support to all citizens during festive occasions.