NSER Survey 

 NSER Survey 

In a significant move to expand the reach of social welfare programs, the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) has initiated a new registration drive through the National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER) survey. This new initiative allows previously ineligible people to register for the Benazir 10500 scheme, aiming to provide financial assistance to more families in need. This article explores the details of the new registration process, its benefits, and how eligible individuals can participate.

Understanding the BISP and NSER Survey

#What is BISP?

The Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) is a federal unconditional cash transfer program in Pakistan designed to provide financial assistance to low-income families. Established in 2008, BISP aims to reduce poverty and improve the living standards of the most vulnerable segments of society.

What is the NSER Survey?

The National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER) survey is a comprehensive data collection initiative that assesses the socio-economic status of households across Pakistan. The survey helps identify families eligible for various social welfare programs, including BISP. By updating the NSER, the government ensures that assistance reaches those who need it the most.

The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) has launched a new NSER survey to register people who were previously ineligible for the program’s financial aid of 10,500 rupees. This is a chance for those who missed out earlier to get registered and benefit from the program.

NSER Survey 
NSER Survey

New 10500 Registration: 

Expansion to Previously Ineligible People

The latest phase of the NSER survey focuses on registering individuals who were previously deemed ineligible for the BISP program. This initiative is part of the government’s effort to include more families in the social safety net, ensuring that financial aid is accessible to a broader segment of the population.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the new 10500 registration, applicants must meet specific criteria set by the BISP. These criteria typically include:

– *Income Level*: Applicants must fall below a certain income threshold to qualify for financial assistance.
– *Household Size*: Larger families or households with more dependents are often prioritized.
– *Other Socio-Economic Factors*: Factors such as housing conditions, employment status, and access to basic amenities are also considered. Ehsaas Kafalat 21000

Benefits of the New Registration

Financial Assistance

Eligible families will receive a monthly cash transfer of 10500 Pakistani Rupees. This financial aid can help cover essential expenses such as food, healthcare, and education, improving the overall quality of life for recipients.

 Poverty Alleviation

By expanding the program to include more families, the BISP aims to alleviate poverty on a larger scale. Financial assistance can provide a safety net for families, helping them manage economic hardships and work towards a more stable future.

 Empowering Women

One of the key aspects of the BISP is its focus on empowering women. Financial transfers are typically made to female heads of households, ensuring that women have control over the funds. This empowerment can lead to better decision-making regarding household expenditures and improved outcomes for children’s education and health.

NSER Survey 
NSER Survey

How to Register A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Visit a BISP Office

To begin the registration process, individuals need to visit their nearest BISP office. The offices are equipped to guide applicants through the registration process and provide necessary information.

Step 2: Participate in the NSER Survey

At the BISP office, applicants will participate in the NSER survey. This survey involves providing detailed information about the household’s socio-economic status, including income, employment, housing conditions, and other relevant factors.

 Step 3: Data Verification

Once the survey data is collected, it undergoes a verification process. The BISP authorities will cross-check the information provided to ensure accuracy and eligibility.

Step 4: Approval and Enrollment

After successful verification, eligible applicants will be approved for the BISP 10500 program. They will be enrolled in the program and start receiving monthly cash transfers.

Step 5: Receiving Payments

Approved beneficiaries will receive their payments through designated channels, which may include bank accounts or mobile banking services. Regular payments of 10500 Rupees will be made to help support the household’s financial needs.


The new registration drive for the Benazir 10500 scheme through the NSER survey marks a significant step towards inclusive social welfare in Pakistan. By targeting previously ineligible families, the government aims to broaden the impact of the BISP, providing much-needed financial support to more households. This initiative not only helps alleviate poverty but also empowers women and enhances the overall well-being of communities. Eligible individuals are encouraged to visit their nearest BISP offices and participate in the NSER survey to benefit from this program.