Phase 2 Who Qualifies

Phase 2 Who Qualifies

The Phase 2 Who Qualifies for Ehsaas Kafalat Program is a significant social welfare initiative aimed at providing financial support to poor families in Pakistan. Recent updates have increased the program’s quarterly payment amounts, making it even more beneficial for eligible participants. This article will guide you through the updated payment details, eligibility criteria, and the registration process for the Ehsaas Kafalat Program,The primary goal of the Ehsaas Kafalat Program is to alleviate poverty by offering financial assistance to underprivileged families. The program ensures that the poorest segments of society can meet their basic needs and improve their living standards.

New Payment Amounts

The Ehsaas Kafalat Program has increased its quarterly payments. Previously, families received Rs. 12,000 every three months. With the new update, this amount has risen to Rs. 16,500. This increase aims to provide better financial support in light of the rising cost of living.In addition to the quarterly payment of Rs. 16,500, some families may also be eligible for an additional Rs. 10,500 under specific conditions, enhancing the total support provided.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the Ehsaas Kafalat Program, your monthly income should be less than Rs. 40,000. This ensures that the program targets those who need financial assistance the most. Applicants must have no criminal record to be eligible for the program. This criterion helps maintain the program’s integrity and ensures that assistance reaches the deserving families.

Phase 2 Who Qualifies
Phase 2 Who Qualifies

Qualifications For Phase 2

For Phase 2 of the Ehsaas Kafalat Program, the criteria remain stringent to ensure that the support reaches the genuinely needy. Families with children are encouraged to register as they might also benefit from educational scholarships.

Registration Procedure

 Visit the Registration Office: You can visit the nearest Ehsaas Kafalat Program office or a BISP (Benazir Income Support Programme) office. Complete the Registration Form: Fill out the registration form with your personal details. Submit the Form: After filling in the required information, submit the form at the registration office.Alternatively, you can register from home using the 8171 SMS code or the 8171 web portal. These methods provide convenient options for those who cannot visit the registration offices in person.

Updated Ehsaas Kafalat Program

The increased payment of Rs. 16,500 every three months provides significant relief to poor families, helping them cover essential expenses such as food, utilities, and healthcare. Eligible families can also enroll their children in the Benazir Education Scholarship Program, which provides Rs. 4,500 for educational support. This initiative ensures that financial constraints do not hinder children’s education.

Phase 2 Who Qualifies
Phase 2 Who Qualifies

Impact on Poverty Alleviation

The Ehsaas Kafalat Program is a critical tool in reducing poverty in Pakistan. By providing consistent financial support, the program helps families meet their basic needs and improve their quality of life. Many families have already benefited from the program. Success stories highlight improvements in financial stability and overall well-being, showcasing the program’s positive impact on its beneficiaries.


What is the new quarterly payment under the Ehsaas Kafalat Program?

The new quarterly payment is Rs. 16,500, increased from the previous Rs. 12,000.

Who is eligible for the Ehsaas Kafalat Program?

Families with a monthly income of less than Rs. 40,000 and no criminal record are eligible for the program.

How can I register for the Ehsaas Kafalat Program?

You can register by visiting the nearest Ehsaas Kafalat Program or BISP office, or through the 8171 SMS code and web portal.

What additional support is available under the program?

Eligible families can receive an additional Rs. 10,500 under certain conditions and a Rs. 4,500 scholarship for their children’s education.

What other Ehsaas initiatives are available?

Other Ehsaas initiatives include various social protection and economic empowerment programs, such as the Benazir Education Scholarship Program.


The Ehsaas Kafalat Program’s recent increase in quarterly payments marks a significant step toward better supporting Pakistan’s underprivileged families. By offering increased financial assistance and educational scholarships, the program aims to uplift the living standards of those in need. If you meet the eligibility criteria, registering for the program is highly recommended to take advantage of these enhanced benefits.