8171 Portal Survey

8171 Portal Survey:

The 8171 Portal Survey is part of the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) also known as the Ehsaas program in Pakistan. It is a social welfare initiative that provides financial assistance to low-income families.

BISP Latest New Update:

Assalamualaikum, viewers, there are only two types of women who need to be surveyed again, if you don’t do the survey, then your money will stop, and there are also women who don’t need to be surveyed anymore. You will also be informed about the category of women and with that, don’t worry, you will be told in today’s post through which you can be eligible. You will not be closed if you follow this policy. We bring you information that is always beneficial to you. People will continue to receive money from Benazir Income Support Program, Benazir Sponsorship Program, your money will not be stopped. A large number of people have applied as per the instructions and redone their survey, after that they will get their money. They have not been closed, thanks be to Allah, here, thanks to Allah, money has flowed into the account of these poor people, money will also flow into your account, if you follow this policy, money will be transferred to your account. Bikes Scheme

8171 Portal Survey
8171 Portal Survey

Bisp Program dynamic registry:

So first of all we want to tell you what you have to do. Three types of women have been given mansions by the government. Two types of families will lose money here. If they update or restore, then they will get money. If they don’t, then their money may stop and some families are also afraid that if we do the survey. If you go to get it done, then our new installments will not come and in this way our money will be stopped, so listen to this also if you don’t go to get the survey done or update it, then the money will still be yours. will be closed because when the government tells you to update your survey or register or update your data, then if you don’t do this, then your money will be forfeited. If you stop receiving, then they will tell you the method through which your money will not stop and your survey will also be updated, so the biggest update here is that the government The installment was issued to the women and who received the installment here and when you received the installment and after that you went to the portal to check, you were told there that you should register yourself if you If you do not register again, then your mandatory money will be stopped and in addition, the families who have been informed by 8171 that their registration is mandatory or update their survey, then those families will also conduct the survey. Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme

8171 Portal Survey
8171 Portal Survey

BISP Registration Check By CNIC 8171:

You can check your BISP registration status by CNIC in two ways:

1. SMS:

  • Text your CNIC number to 8171.
  • You will receive a reply message indicating your eligibility status for the program.

2. Online:

  • Visit the BISP web portal at https://8171.bisp.gov.pk/.
  • Enter your CNIC number and the captcha code displayed.
  • Click the “Track” button.
  • You will see your eligibility status on the screen.

Important Note:

  • Sharing your CNIC number online or via SMS carries some inherent risk. It’s recommended to only use the official BISP website (https://8171ehsaasprogrambispnews.pk/) for online verification.