Survey Utility Stores

Survey Utility Stores

I hope that all the people will be happy with their well being.We have done on the last Sunday, 31st March, is that we have been conducting a Survey Utility Stores. There are two types of people left, one is those people who did not believe it. When I told them, they said no. No, this is a lie, there is no survey at the utility store and on the contrary, they kept abusing that you are busy in getting views, that is why they talk like this and those who came to know later, they are the same. They are saying that Sir, now that we have come to know about it, we have stopped getting the survey done and they are saying that Are you worried that now we will have to go to the office again and stand in the same scheme again or will you do this survey at the utility store next Sunday also or not? Then there is good news for them. Now we cannot do it here again at the utility store but Now what are we going to do, we are going to provide survey service in the hospitals, now we are going to conduct survey of women in our hospitals, so which will be the hospitals in which we will conduct survey of women and which such women? There will be people whom we will survey there, I will give their details in this Article.


I am going to tell you, then listen to it carefully.You all know that whatever new update is made about Benazir Income Support Program. So that you people keep getting every new update and you do not become a victim of any fake news, today what I am going to tell you is based on the survey because last Sunday we We had done the survey at the utility store, now we are going to do the survey in the hospital, so I am going to tell you the details of it.First of all, it was said that the real blow to the devil. Then he will realize that after coming back from prison, Benazir’s team was deployed in his place at the squares and intersections and on Sunday, another one was deployed at the utility store. They say that everyone also reads Jumma. And there is a lot of rush outside the mosque, so this program can be held every Friday outside the mosque and survey can be conducted there also.

After this, another employee says that if there are fairs and Urs in the village, women and men also come there, then this facility can be provided there also. After this, another employee says that It is said that we can do survey even while sitting in Takaf, if we can then we are most welcome. After this another employee says that he says that on the night of Eid, the women who are there in Meena Bazaar come to get mehendi applied. And if women come to buy bangles etc. then this service can be provided there also. There will be money there. If women have to come then we can also provide it there.

Survey Utility Stores
Survey Utility Stores

Dynamic Survey

They are ready to do the survey, after this another one says that the day of doomsday is near, the one who has not got the dynamic survey done should get it done as soon as possible so that he does not remain alone and for this the team of Benazir is there. Ready to care for 24 hours. After this, another one says that it remains to take out the dead bodies from the graves so that they can also be registered and we are ready for this too. After this, another one says that the police should make them sleep for the night. And don’t let anyone go without a station, so these were the memes that were deleted when The employee came to know that we have been assigned duty at our utility store on Sunday, but still we are not going to stop, we are not going to stop, our mind is something else because I have told you earlier also when Even when 2024 had started, I had already told you that our destination is still ahead, so now what we are going to do is going to the next level and which is our next level? The next level is our hospital. Now you can get this survey done from the hospital, which hospital will get it done which has become like Marrakesh for us and this one?

Check Registration

This is Marrakesh, it is at least 700, how many are there in the whole of Pakistan, it is 700, we have Marrakesh in every district, what did you do earlier, when you used to get your children registered in Nashma Centre, now you will get that registration done also and such women. Those who are going to be surveyed again should get their surveys done from there. Now what can you guys do with one stone, you can kill two, then there are the same three types of women in this. How can you check, first of all what will you do google We will write google, click on the web portal, after that we will write our ID card. After that, you will write a four-inch code and click on ‘to know’, then all your details will appear. Three types of statuses will appear in it. One is the red one which is visible in front.

Survey Done

These are the women who are already our beneficiaries and are also taking payment from us and what we have told them is that they should do their survey again by 30th June. If they get a dynamic survey done then these women can also get this survey done there. This is our NFC center, our other women are the ones on whom it is written that first she was Nahal, after that it is written that yes, after this date you are She can get her survey done again because now we do the survey of Nahal again after every two years, so these women who have this status, after checking, they can also go to Nashma Center and get their survey done, after that, the third women who will get this status. Till now she has not come to our office. Badger Income Support Program means that she has not got the happiness survey done yet because she was already living a happy life, so now she has also got the need, so because of this, she can also get it done. Those are the people who are new and have come for the first time, what will they do if they get their survey done, then these are three types of people.

Survey Utility Stores
Survey Utility Stores

Documents Required

People can come and get the survey done at Survey Utility Stores, then the same documents are required, your identity card is required and the identity card should not be expired, after that, the bay form is required, electricity bill is required and the active mobile number of the house is required which is the address written on your identity card. If you If you are not living there, if you are not living in that state, if you are not living in that district, then now you should also write your address of the place where you are living on the page so that you do not face any problem in it, then that too. Take the rest of the children along, there is no need for you to take them and there are two types of Registration will be done. Firstly, there will be a survey there and secondly, there will be registration of the drug. So, the registration of the drug can be done by those people who are already our beneficiaries. It is better that you all go there from tomorrow, what should we do now? We are providing them with the tabs etc. and they are also being given training. This will take this week, next week is coming, it will take this week, after that they will be fully trained. Immediately after Ramzan, all our Nashamas will be released. There is a center where you can go and get your survey done. My best wishes to you.